Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bitches be pissin' me off

To the self-entitled stuck-up cunt fugly bitches that sat in my section tonight,
It really was a pleasure to wait on you stepford wife whores tonight but was it really necesarry to act like you are so much better than me, a lowly waitress working her way through grad school? I know how exciting it was to celebrate you birthday by coming into my place of work and drinking cosmos (just like the Sex and the City girls!!!) but acting like your shit doesn't stink and completely ignoring me when I ask if there is anything else I can get you is just rude and classless. But the icing on the fuck you cake was when I had to gall to compilment your purse and ask where you got it at. "Don't even ask." was your reply. Infering that I could never afford such a luxury item. Bitch, the only reason I asked is because I saw one just like it at TJ Maxx you label-whore twat. But really opening your gifts really was a pleasure to see. Your bitch friends got you underwear from Victoria's Secret. How fun!!! It was it really appropriate to showcase them in the middle of a upscale steak house. We all know your husband is fucking everyone in this town (yes bitch, we know him) so perhaps you can wear it for him while you blow him and he thinks about his girlfriend that he ass fucked earlier that day. Imagine my complete surprise when your goddam debit card got declined (and no bitch, there is nothing wrong with the computer.), . You stupid bitch. You don't even have friends that like you enough to buy you dinner on your birthday, not that they are any less annoying than you. So you had to pay with cash. And yes i do admit by this point you bitches had gotton the best on me and i was on the verge of tears, I brought you back the wrong change. When you then got all pissy and told me to 'Get my shit together" was when you came closer than you can ever imagine to getting the absolute fuck knocked out of you. Seriously bitch, you really are lucky that I had already removed all of the silver wear from you table because i have never wanted to stab someone with a butterknife in the forehead more at that moment. You were an insufferable bitch (all of you) and the only happiness I found tonight was in knowing that you fat lawyer husbands were fucking around on you during you fun little girls night out

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog today & I'm enjoying it! I cannot stand women like this!!! I will not go above & beyond for them like I'm suppose to. People who have the attitude of "I'm better than you" have another thing coming & will get theirs one day! Don't ever let anyone set you on the verge of tears! You are a good person, working an honest job & supporting yourself! Those bitches don't know how to how to support themselves so they have to marry men with money to take care of them! Keep blogging!
